Organization of Independent Artists Web Gallery

About OIA Web Gallery exhibits: To navigate through a gallery click on an image. It will appear full size and give information about the work– title, artist, media, size, price. For more information about artwork or to purchase art contact OIA.
Warning: You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, or prepare derivative works based on any of the website content including any third party works without the express written consent of OIA or the appropriate owner of copyright in such works.
All members of OIA were asked to submit 1or 2 works for the OIA Salon 2021. Thirteen artists responded with a varied selection of art including painting, collage, photography, mixed media, and digital images.
For The Wall Project OIA members submitted images of a real or imaginary wall.
Since ancient times walls have been built to mark borders, protect kingdoms and settlements or keep out unwanted people; think of the Great Wall of China, the Western (Wailing) Wall, Jerusalem, and the Berlin Wall, dividing East and West Germany. In December 2018, President Trump's insistence on money for a border wall between the US and Mexico caused a record 35-day partial government shutdown.
Gallery View: All artists are shown in reverse alphabetical order Z-A.
Living through a pandemic is something none of us ever expected to experience. Given the restrictions mandated by COVID-19; social distancing, wearing masks, etc., OIA members were asked if the pandemic has changed their art practice and/or studio space, and if they were focusing on specific projects reflecting this difficult time or continuing to work as usual? The artworks in Home-Work illustrate their varied responses to this challenging time
OIA Summer Salon Show 2018
Every year each member of OIA is invited to submit 2 or 3 artworks to be exhibited in our annual Summer Salon Show, in the tradition of the Paris Société des Artistes Indépendents (see below).This year's Summer Salon features twenty-one artist members of OIA exhibiting two-dimensional artwork; painting, photography, collage, mixed media, and digital formats.
Gallery View: All artists are shown in alphabetical order.
Something Old, Something New
We call ourselves artists. Nobody asks us. Nobody says you are or you aren't.–
Ad Reinhardt, American Artist 1913–1967
As artists we make art. Often our new work becomes the one that involves and engages us the most. However, works that we’ve created earlier in our career still have value and meaning. OIA’s new web gallery exhibit, Something Old, Something New, explores the concept of an artist’s new and older artworks.
OIA members were asked to submit images of recent works and/or older works that they still would like to exhibit. Twenty-two OIA members submitted work. Some artists work has changed; differing in style or media. Some artists have continued on the same path but become more complex or subtle in their work.
Gallery View: All artists are shown in alphabetical order.
About Faces
NOT just a portrait show, About Faces is a visual exploration of the face. When we first see someone or something we look at the face or front as a means of identification. In a person, a group of people, or an animal we look for the front of the head, the base of the chin to the top of the forehead, and from ear to ear, and at a person's or creature's facial expression. The face also may be the most significant or prominent surface of something; the front, a façade, an outer surface. Nineteen artist members of OIA exhibited their visual concepts about faces in drawing, painting, photography, mixed media, portraits, prints and three-dimensional artwork.
Gallery View: All artists are shown in reverse alphabetical order Z-A.
The OIA Salon Show features twenty-nine artist members of OIA exhibitng two-dimensional artwork; painting, photography, collage, mixed media, and digital formats. The OIA Salon Show follows the tradition of public art exhibits that were held annually or bi-annually in Paris and named after the room at the Louvre where they were held, the Salon Carré. This Salon was so popular, and so important to artists, patrons, and the public, that it endured in much the same form until the late-19th century.
Then in 1884 following the rejection of their work by the selection committee of the Académie des Beaux-Arts at the official Salon, a group of painters formed the Société des Artistes Indépendents, and held an annual art exhibition elsewhere in Paris. Their Salon had no selection committee and the rules allowed any artist to enter a painting on payment of a fee. The society lasted until the beginning of World War I.
Gallery View: All artists are shown in alphabetical order.